Science Year End Review 2015/2016

It has been another wonderful year of science.  This was my second year teaching classes out of my home.  The students continue to expand their science knowledge.  I have been impressed at their growth to problem solve.

The theme for my Creating and Conducting Class was matter.  Matter is everywhere and we explored a lot.  This class focuses on teaching the scientific method.  Students learn how to write a hypothesis, follow procedures, record data, graphing, and summarizing their results.  They also create their own investigations.  Students spent lots of time exploring effervescent tablets. They then came up with their own investigations.  Each student did something different.  Some changed the type of liquid and others changed the temperature of the water.  They also measure different things such as the temperature of the liquid, the length of the reaction, and the time of the reaction.  All were unique. 

Here are some of the fun things we did this year.

The Students used eggs to learn about the states of matter.

Working hard on recording data.
How many drops can fit on a penny?

Students explored Carbon Dioxide Gas.

Students separated Oxygen and Hydrogen

End of the Year Science Fair Poster Display

Each student uses the workbook "Creating Original Investigations"  to create an original science fair project.  The projects were wonderful and well thought out.  I was so impressed by their ability to explain their projects. 

We did so many great things.  I am finishing up writing all the experiments and lessons for the year.
Keep a look out for new lessons for next year at

Other fun things this year

Siebert Elementary Science Fair Workshop
Monthly Science Exploration
Organizing the Siebert Science Fair
Home School Science Fair Workshop

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