Effervescent Tablet Fizzy Lab Experiment Ideas For The Classroom

Are your students interested in conducting chemical reactions during class? While students enjoy creating fizzing mixtures, teachers may not have the time or desire to deal with the mess. However, an excellent, less messy, and simple method exists to explore chemical reactions in class.

What are Effervescent Tablets?

Alka-Seltzer tablets are anti-acid tablets used to treat things like indigestion. Think of it like the classic vinegar and baking soda reaction in a tablet. The tablet contains citric acid, which represents the acid.  The tablet also contains sodium bicarbonate, which represents the base.  It also contains Aspirin which has no effect on the reaction.  

Since the citric acid and baking soda are in a powdered form, they do not react until water is added. The two powders begin to dissolve in the water and start to interact. When they interact, lots of bubbles form.  These bubbles contain carbon dioxide gas.  

For the classroom, they are perfect. No measuring is needed.  Just plop into a cup of water. There are so many things you can test with the tablets.  It is a wonderful way to teach the scientific method. Put the vinegar and baking soda away and save yourself some dishes.

Watch the video to see how we prove it is carbon dioxide and not oxygen.

Create your Own Experiment

Once the students learn how effervescent tablets work (Alka-Seltzer) we let them create their own experiments. There are so many variables they can change.

What can students change?
  • The type of Liquid.  Try oil, colored water, milk, juice, soda pop
  • Temperature of the water.  (Not Too Hot.  Have an adult help.)
  • Size of the tablet.  They split easily.
  • Number of tablets
What can students measure?
  • The speed of the reaction.  Get those stopwatches ready.
  • Temperature of the reaction.  Does it give off heat or lose heat?
  • Number of Bubbles
  • Size of the Bubbles
  • Put it in a film canister and time how long it takes for the lid to pop off.

Watch the video to see how oil affects an effervescent table.

Students will enjoy creating their own investigations.  They will be immersed in the scientific process and learn about chemical reactions at the same time.  Generic effervescent tables work great and cost less.  Look for a sale and start stocking up.  We love using them for Halloween Bubbling Fun!



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