6 Springtime Plant Activities For Kids

Spring has sprung.  It is time to start planning those fun plant activities.  Many teachers save their biology units for the end of the year.  We like integrating plant activities at the end of the year because students can take their plants home for the summer.  Students can also find flowers to bring to class.  If you have a nice warm spring you can plant outside too.

1.  Make a light hut for growing plants in the classroom.  These speed up seeds sprouting.  They are wonderful.  Learn how to make one.

2.  Perform a leaf chromatography experiment to show all the colors in leaves.

2.  Daffodils are an early flower.  Try this fun Daffodil dissecting activity by Sloely.

3.  Explore the science of plant bulbs.  You can grow a bulb easily.  

4. Color-changing flowers are always fun.  They make a perfect Mother's Day Activity.  Find a fun activity at Growing A Jeweled Rose.  For a twist split the stem into two pieces.  Make it high enough for one half of the stem to go in one cup of colored water and the other half to go into another cup of colored water.  The flower will then become two-tone.  So cool!

5.  Create new plants by cloning.  This is so much fun. Learn how we clone plants with students.  It is very easy.  Kids can take them home at the end.

6.  Learn how plants transport water by investigating vascular and nonvascular plants. All you need are coffee filters, paper towels, copy paper, water, and soluble markers.  

Have fun exploring plants.  Be sure to check out our 


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