How To Make Star War Laser Sounds: May The 4th Be With You Science


Have you ever wondered how they made those laser gun sounds in Star Wars?  You won't believe how easy it is.  You and your kids will have a blast!  
Pun intended.

  • Metal Slinky
  • Red Solo Cup or Styrofoam Cup
  • Twine or Strong Yarn

1.  Tie the pieces of twine to the last circle on one end of the slinky.

2.  Using the twine, tie the slinky to a doorknob, drawer handle, or chair.

3. Straighten out the slinky, but let it dangle a little.

4.  Put the cup inside the other end of the slinky.  You will need to hold it in place.  Use tape if needed.

5.  Place the cup up to your ear.  Using the other hand strum the metal circles of the slinky.

6.  You can also just shake the slinky and try different movements to change the sounds.

7.  Try different patterns to see what makes the best space laser sounds.

What is Happening?

When you strum the Slinky the molecules collide and vibrate.  The vibrating molecules in the Slinky transfer to the cup.  This is an example of sound traveling from solid to solid.  The cup's vibrations hit the air.  The cup acts as an amplifier.  The sound made by the vibration of the Slinky is made louder (amplified) because the cup projects the sound away.  Different types of cups may make a different type of space sound because the sound wave's speed changes.  The number of times the vibration moves back and forth per second is called frequency. The higher the frequency the higher the pitch.  

This is how they made the space laser sounds in the original Star Wars, A New Hope, movie in the 1970s.  They used Slinkys and other types of coiled metal.  It is so much fun!

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