Second And Third Grade Science Fair Expectations And Resources
Children love hands-on science. Second and third-graders will be eager to jump right in. Completing a science fair project as a kid can be a wonderful experience. It also is known for being overwhelming to parents. It doesn't have to be if we make sensible expectations.
- The child should drive the project at the second and third-grade levels. You are an assistant.
- Provide some guidance, but make sure they can take ownership of their project. Use your best judgment in deciding when to get involved.
- Work to develop a project schedule. We don’t want them overloaded. Don’t cram it in two nights before the due date.
- Make sure to follow all safety precautions when performing experiments. Keep it age-appropriate.
- Let them be problem solvers. They will surprise you with their skills.
- Keep it simple, clear, and concise. Students at this level will do 3 levels. Examples: cold/room temperature/hot water, small/medium/large, 3 different measurements, etc.
- Take lots of photographs.
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