Science Lab Expectations For The Classroom

Starting the year on a positive note is crucial. Students will behave better when they know what is expected of them.  In a science lab,
this is so important.  The better behaved they are, the better the labs they can perform. Here are some tips for starting the year off with clear expectations. 

1.  Give out a sheet with the lab safety rules.  

They need to sign it, and to take it a step further, a parent should have to sign it.  This lets the students know you are serious about the safety rules.

2.  Post the science lab safety rules.  

They should be up all year to refer to when needed.  This reminds the kids that the rules are always expected.

3.  Explain each rule to the students and give examples.  

Rules should focus on what they should do and not necessarily what they shouldn't do.  The first few classes should focus on learning these rules.

4.  Practice the rules.  

It is important to practice.  The students can practice walking to put their items away.  Role-play conversations in groups while practicing quieting down when the teacher needs their attention. You can even practice cleaning up spills.  It's important to model the expected behavior and dedicate time to practice during the first month of class. 



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